Friday, January 3, 2014

My Word for 2014

 One thing I've noticed having a facebook account and reading blogs, is that everyone has an opinion or ideals about things, about who God is, what he thinks about this controversial topic in the media, or what he must feel about modern churches... or thinks about this kind of music in the church. What his answer is to this or that political debate or that scriptural debate. I've even seen the thoughts on how people should dress, or how people should or shouldn't take pictures on instagram.
I'm not saying who is right or wrong...and that is the point.
My point is that mankind always believes their conviction on something is the right way.
And sometimes it becomes a battle of pride or will or opinion rather than what it should be...
seeking our Heavenly Father's heart, his answers and the entirety of his word. To me, that is KEY.
the entirety of scripture....

It isn't a bad thing, really. Sharing our opinions. Our blogs and our facebooks  are used for sharing our thoughts on things, as long as we aren't tearing down others or attempting at making fools out of people.  That's what it is there for. Whether we are random and more surface level with what we share or whether we like to dive a little deeper, many of us do it on the interwebs these days.  Our opinions may be based on our backgrounds, what we grew up knowing and being taught, what we dislike about how we were taught or grew up, what ideas we rebel against, what ideas we support, what we are used to, what we like or dislike, maybe it's based on what has taught us or affected us or changed us... or sometimes we even base our convictions on one or two scripture and not the entirety of The Bible....
I'm not saying scripture is a free for all, for each man to interpret God as they wish,
but to know the heart of the Heavenly Father's is the what He wants. It's what matters...
let's seek HIM...
2014 is upon us and this year I challenge myself and I challenge you to SEEK your Heavenly Father for a true revelation of who He is and his heart and thoughts. He wants our hearts to take after his heart. His heart is revealed in his word, but sometimes it takes a  revelation of his word to make parts of it become real to us. Don't you want that? God's truth, not mans. I always do.

Let us not ever come to a point that we ever feel like we know everything there is to know about our precious Savior, but to earnestly and always seek a deeper relationship with Him and a deeper revelation of Him and his written word. God is sovereign, righteous, just, and jealous...but he is also merciful, loving and full of grace and compassion. He can embody more characteristics that we can comprehend, but that is why he is God...and so many times we get stuck on our own ideas and convictions about things. Let's be open to being wrong once in a while.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit to show us more who God is and less of what we think about Him based on what we know, have always known or thought, or what side of the fence we tend towards, or what scriptures we decide to read and decide to set aside.

HIS heart is what matters in every situation and whenever I feel my guard go up because someone says something about a topic that I don't agree with because I've always known it or liked it a certain way, I ask the Holy Spirit to show me his truth in it. I WANT him to check me if I am off. I WANT my toes to be stepped on occasionally so that I don't get so stuck and set in my ideas that I am not open to the Holy Spirit and the way He is moving throughout the earth in many different ways. 

Sometimes, he shows me that what I believed was right...sometimes, He shows me something I've never seen before and where I'm off.... the point is that I want him to always show me and reveal HIMSELF to me...and not vice versa....and I want desperately to know who my God is and and long for more intimacy WITH him, not just knowledge or information or about Him...and I pray that you would desire the same...
SEEK HIM... in everything...

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. ~Ephesians 1:17
Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  ~Matthew 7:7
  If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. ~James 1:5
Just another little piece of my heart here on my blog...
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration...
Now let's get on with 2014...



Sandra said...

Wonderful post! Absolutely true! Such a good reminder, I may come back & read this post from time to time just to make sure it all sinks in, thank you! :)

Nikkiana said...

This is a message that I think a lot of people could stand to hear... One of the things I find so disheartening is how often people will distance themselves from people who believe differently or have made choices that are different that one would choose.

I know I'm certainly guilty of it at times, and there have certainly been times that I've been on the receiving end of comments from friends (or even strangers) who think that their way of doing things or looking at things is the end all be all, and won't even hear my perspective.

Being more patient, more open to others is definitely something I'm looking to cultivate in the New Year.

TicoTina said...

I feel like this is part of our "focus" word for the year, too. focusing on seeking God, knowing his heart more, living out of his guidance better. making room to do that. I look forward to reading along as you share your journey in seeking this year.

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